What does an EM do in a small team if they don't code?
Clearly nothing at all right? ;)
March 07, 2024 | leadership, spicy
The Importance of Creative Rest
AI art is my happy place. What's yours?
February 10, 2024 | self-care, leadership
LGBTQ+ inclusion and profitability report
A recent study by Open for Business has revealed that LGBTQ+ inclusion is linked to higher profitability. Here's a summary of the findings.
February 01, 2024 | diversity, leadership
Atlassian Remote Work Report
Atlassian have just published an excellent ‘1000 days of distributed work’ report. Here's a summary of the findings.
January 30, 2024 | remote-work, leadership
The Unexpected Struggle to Slow Down
Something I didn't expect after quitting my job was the monumental struggle to slow down.
October 19, 2023 | self-care, remote-work
Energy Eggs
It's important to remember that productivity and connectedness to others looks different to everyone.
October 16, 2023 | productivity, leadership, remote-work
Remote Work is Safer Work
The unspoken benefits of remote work for members under-represented groups
September 22, 2023 | remote work, leadership
What are you saying no to?
There's power in unchecked boxes on your todo list.
September 01, 2023 | productivity, leadership
Launch Alert! ‘Holy Shit I'm A Manager!™’ is now live!
My new course to teach Engineering Managers everything they need to succeed in the role is now live! No corporate BS, just a ton of fun and a bunch of racoon art.
August 15, 2023 | training, management, leadership
Share Your Salary Ranges 2 - Salary Deflation
Let's put to bed why using the current salary of a candidate is a terrible idea.
May 10, 2023 | hiring
Share Your Salary Ranges 1 - Negotiation Bias
Don't let this one limiting belief stop you from doing the right thing for underrepresented candidates.
May 10, 2023 | hiring
Holidays Will Not Fix Your Work Burnout
Sorry about that. But these actions will help instead.
April 08, 2023 | personal-development
Introverted Leaders
Never let anyone tell you introverts can't be leaders.
April 01, 2023 | leadership
Continuous, Inescapeable Failure.
When deciding how to react to failure and mishaps, be more Efren Reyes and keep on smiling your way to success.
January 30, 2023 | personal-development
Go Time vs Go Slow Time
How to avoid being the harbinger of chaos as an engineering manager and embrace the learning zone.
June 27, 2022 | personal-development, management
How To Rock At One-To-Ones
An exploration of the purpose, structure and outcome of one-to-ones to help you rock at them.
June 07, 2022 | one-to-ones, management
BRAVING Trust In A One-To-One
A walk through Brené Brown's recipe for building trust, in the context of one-to-ones.
June 06, 2022 | one-to-ones, management
Radically Candid Programming
Giving and being willing to receive constructive feedback and why it matters. A story about my experience with Radical Candor and how it changed my behaviour as a programmer.
May 14, 2022 | personal-development
Managers Are Technical
Does becoming a manager mean giving up your 'technical skills'?
February 13, 2022 | management
My Favourite Questions
It's surprisingly hard to ask the right question, at the right time to the right person but when you get it right it unlocks doors and ways of thinking you didn't even know were possible. This is a list of my favourite questions.
July 09, 2021 | leadership, books
Will I Belong Here?
I'll share my view on how I look to answer this key question when I'm job hunting to help you increase the number of diverse and amazing applicants that apply for your positions.
July 01, 2021 | hiring
Compassionate Hiring Checklist
A quick reference checklist to help ensure your hiring process sets the candidates and your company up for success.
June 11, 2021 | hiring, management
Pairing Isn't Staring: Five Perils of Pairing In Interviews
Many technical hiring processes have a 'pairing' step, but many actually involves staring and not pairing! Let's look at five possible perils of interview pairing and how we can address them to set the candidate up for success.
May 13, 2021 | hiring
Other companies tech hiring processes are costing YOU talent
Are you sabotaging your recruitment efforts by using other companies' outdated 'elitist' processes? These practical tips will help you develop a 'compassionate hiring' ethos to attract diverse and impactful candidates.
April 27, 2021 | hiring, management
7 Nuggets from 'The Better Allies Approach to Hiring' Book
Self Sponsorship and Why It Matters
Grow your career and sense of pride by owning your achievements and advocating for yourself, regardless of the environment.
April 14, 2021 | personal-development
5 Things I Learned from Humble Inquiry by Edgar Schein
A summary of 5 things I learned about asking more, telling less and staying open, curious and humble in order to build better relationships and why it matters.
April 13, 2021 | management, books
Removing Extra Whitespace from Jekyll Templates
What to do about the weird extra whitespace in Liquid templates.
March 23, 2021 | jekyll, programming
Setting new branches to 'main' by default
Automatically default to 'main' instead of master in git for new repositories.
March 13, 2021 | git, programming
No Openssl Found - Erlang / Asdf
March 02, 2021 | elixir, programming
Connecting Locally Installed Rails 5 To A Dockerised Postgres 12
There is a lot of information how to dockerise a rails app and a database, but not a lot of help to only dockerise the database. Here's how.
December 23, 2020 | docker, programming
Set Up Jekyll with Bootstrap and No Theme
We've all been there - the themes for Jekyll are not the best and most of them have zero documentation or consistency. I've since moved to vanilla css but you might want to use a css framework, and here's how to do it.
October 19, 2019 | jekyll, programming
Extend Multiple Bootstrap Classes in SASS
October 19, 2019 | css, programming
Rails 5 - Translation Missing in date_select Month Field
September 29, 2019 | rails, programming
Why is the Chrome Mobile Inspector View Tiny?
September 28, 2019 | programming
Rails 5 - Set Defaults for date_select Date Formats
September 28, 2019 | rails, programming
Rails 5 - Set Default DateTime Formats Across the Application
September 28, 2019 | rails, programming
Rails 5 - Send Mail to Local Directory
A quick sticky for me because I keep forgetting how to do this and people ask me about it a lot.
February 27, 2019 | rails, programming
Tips for Learning to Touch Type
Having learned to touch type in dvorak to reduce RSI over the last couple of years, I’d like to share some insights about what I learned on that journey.
January 14, 2019 | personal-development
Ruby Reduce to Object Gotcha
Why is the reduce returning something unexpected?
January 04, 2019 | ruby, programming
Elixir Map.get_and_update
December 19, 2018 | elixir, programming
Circuit Breakers
What is a circuit breaker, why do we need them and what do they do?
December 18, 2018 | programming
Running Elixir on a File in via VS Code Tasks
November 04, 2018 | elixir, programming
Elixir map puts shorthand
November 04, 2018 | elixir, programming
Traversing and Accessing Lists in Elixir
We're not in Ruby any more Dorothy.
November 04, 2018 | elixir, programming
Git reflog to the rescue
March 28, 2017 | git, programming
ES6 Promises for Human Beings
A (hopefully) digestible explanation of how promises work in ES6.
November 08, 2016 | javascript, programming
On Being an Imposter
On feeling like you are not good enough and what to do about it.
September 08, 2016 | personal-development
S.O.L.I.D For Human Beings
A (hopefully) digestible explanation of the S.O.L.I.D principles from Object Orientated programming.
August 30, 2016 | programming
Getting that first programming job
Getting that first programming job is challenging. I've done a lot of hiring and being hired and shared some tips from that journey that might be helpful.
July 24, 2016 | jobs