Launch Alert! ‘Holy Shit I'm A Manager!™’ is now live!

🚀 Launch Alert: ‘Holy Shit I’m A Manager!’ is now live! 🚀

Are you an engineering manager feeling overwhelmed and lost due to insufficient support and clarity? You’re not alone. In my new course “engineering management first aid”, I’ll teach you the fundamental skills you need not only to be an excellent manager but a standout leader: one who remains composed, fosters growth, and creates an environment where everyone can flourish, have fun, and produce remarkable results.

I’ve crafted the curriculum from my 16 years of experience, the latest leadership research, and the recurring themes and questions that surface in my countless coaching sessions with managers. It’s not just dry corporate BS.

Become the engineering manager everyone wishes they had by mastering the craft and ditching the doubt.

✅ 40 engaging, 15-30 min lessons you can fit into your busy day at your own pace. ✅ 40+ practical activities for real-world application in your day-to-day. ✅ 0 (yes, zero!) live classes to commit to, work around or cancel. ✅ 16+ years of experience and 100+ hours of mentoring condensed into one affordable package. ✅ 40+ bespoke racoon images (because racoons! 🦝).

Sign up for the course now!

commuter racoon